Freeze Frame! Face Freezing For Immortal Youth

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Would it not be nice if you could just freeze your face at age twenty-nine or thirty and never have to worry about looking older? Well, now you can — sort of. A cryo facial applies cryogenics to your face to enact a series of reactions that stop the clock, stop gravity, and cause you to look much younger. Here is how to freeze your face for immortal youth. 

The Cryo-Wand

When you schedule an appointment for a cryo-treatment, the nurse applying the treatment uses a wand that sends vaporized dry ice over your whole face and neck. The extreme cold causes immediate tightening in your facial muscles as they respond to the cold and try to warm up by receding away from it. Your skin and pores will also tighten up. A similar response happens to people who live in colder climates, and the subzero temps hurt when they hit the face. You may feel twinges of pain, but only after the vapor starts to evaporate off of your skin. It is otherwise painless, quick, and effective. 

Activating Collagen Production

Collagen is the elastic molecular fabric in your skin. When you age, you lose these cells and fibers. Your body stops producing them and begins slowing down collagen production starting in your thirties and forties. The vaporized liquid nitrogen stimulates the body's system into producing the collagen again because collagen is formed along with fat cells, and both collagen and fat help keep your body warm. As such, this treatment restarts the production on a whole host of skin cells and fibers that are found in only young skin, making your own skin look younger with continued treatments. 

Maintenance Treatments

Cryo-facials are non-invasive. Because they are non-invasive, it means you will need more frequent maintenance treatments than if you had had a cosmetic surgical facelift. It would be the same if you had Botox or temporary line fillers; all non-invasive cosmetic procedures require regular maintenance to keep the results going. Just think of it as refreezing time, and when time "thaws out," you have to refreeze it again to keep time at a standstill. It is somewhat fun to think of these treatments that way. It is your own personal time-traveling, time-halting watch, and the cryo-wand is the watch's time-stopper. Repeat treatments occur once every two to three months, depending on the age at which you start the treatments.  
