Learn About Hernias And Why You May Want To Have Yours Repaired Soon

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A hernia is caused by a weak area of muscle or fascia in which there is also pressure that pushes an organ or tissue through that weak area. If you have been diagnosed with a hernia, then you may be in the midst of trying to determine if you should have the hernia repaired. If this is the case, then you'll likely find that this article can be helpful. It will provide you with more information about hernias and explain why you should consider having your hernia repaired. Here is more on this subject: 

Surgery may be advisable, even if you aren't having bad symptoms yet

If you have a hernia, then your doctor may suggest that you have it repaired soon, even if you aren't experiencing serious symptoms yet. There will be many factors that your doctor will use in order to determine whether it should be repaired soon or if it is something that you can hold off on for a while. One of the things they will consider is whether your hernia can suddenly pose a serious health threat to you.

If your hernia is of a certain size or located in an area that concerns the doctor, then they would likely want you to have it repaired before something significant happens to you due to the hernia. Also, they may use other criteria, such as considering the field you work in and how that can quickly put you in a dangerous situation because of your hernia. 

There are some things you want to keep in mind regarding hernias

Before you decide that you don't want to take the advice of your doctor and have your hernia repaired, you should know some things about them. Some key points you want to keep in mind include: 

  • They need to be repaired to heal.

  • Restricting activity may reduce symptoms but won't completely heal the hernia.

  • Hernias often get larger and more serious over time.

  • Ignoring the issue can lead to the need for emergency surgery down the road.


If you have a hernia, then it's important for you to take the advice of your doctor when it comes to avoiding certain activities. Ignoring their advice can lead to a lot of pain and cause you to make the situation much worse, very quickly. Once you have your hernia repaired, you should be able to put the hernia in your past. Once you are healed from the surgery, you will likely have no restrictions and can do all the things you wanted to do but couldn't.

Contact your doctor for more information about hernia repair.    
